LACS Academics
LACS Academics
Under our guidance, elementary and middle school students navigate their early academic journeys, developing character, confidence, academic skills, and a belief system essential for continued success throughout their lives. Our students experience academic challenges while feeling safe, respected, valued, and loved.
Our curriculum undergoes continuous scrutiny and evaluation. It seamlessly maintains consistency from Kindergarten through 8th grade, with a set scope and sequence for each grade level. The curriculum is in-depth, sequential, and organized, progressing from basic to advanced concepts. High test scores in the 80th – 90th percentile attest to the effectiveness of our curriculum delivery. Academic classes receive grades, and special classes such as Art, Music, Computers, Lego Robotics, Physical Education, and Spanish are included.
The curriculum is complemented by our annual Young Authors and Science Fairs. The school-wide LACS Science Fair allows lower elementary students to focus on learning and applying successive steps of the Scientific Method, while upper elementary and middle school students complete individual projects.
Since the inception of LACS, student success and a focus on meeting individual needs have served as conduits for curriculum delivery. In all grades, teachers provide differentiated instructional models for curriculum delivery, allowing them to address the needs of all students. The result is a program that meets and/or exceeds California Common Core State standards in various academic areas. Students learn to think critically and problem-solve, preparing them for the complexities of high school.