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School Profile
Vision, Mission & Values
Statement of Faith
Christian Philosophy of Education
Our Community
LACS School Board
Our Faculty and Staff
Employment Opportunities
Transitional Kindergarten
Our Transitional Kindergarten program aims to provide a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten, focusing on the holistic development of each child.
Transitional Kindergarten
Our Los Altos Kindergarten program equips the students with the skills necessary to achieve success spiritually, academically and socially.
Academics are always a major focus for an Elementary School, and LACS excels in this area. Our high standardized test scores show that our students retain what they learn in the classroom.
Middle School
Our 6th-8th grade offers a quality education with student leadership opportunities and exposure to different skills and subjects in a small, caring environment.
Middle School
Learning Support Program
Enrichment Program for Homeschoolers
Lego Robotics & Innovation Labs
Foreign Language
Music & Performing Arts Program
Art Program
Athletics Program
After School Programs
Student Life
Student Events
Spiritual Life
Lunch Time
Extended Day Care Program
Leadership Opportunities
Main Menu
About Us
School Profile
Vision, Mission & Values
Statement of Faith
Christian Philosophy of Education
Our Community
LACS School Board
Our Faculty and Staff
Employment Opportunities
Transitional Kindergarten
Elementary School
Middle School
Learning Support Program (LSP)
Enrichment Program for Homeschoolers
Lego Robotics & Innovation Labs
Foreign Language
Music & Performing Arts Program
Art Program
Athletics Program
After School Programs
Student Life
Student Events
Spiritual Life
Lunch Time
Extended Day Care Program (EDC)
Leadership Opportunities
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Los Altos Christian Schools
Newsletter Submit
LACS Week at a Glance Announcement Submission (WAG)
The Lion’s Roar newsletter is sent every Monday at 9:00am.
To get your announcement published by Monday, all submissions are due on Thursday of the previous week at 5:00pm.
Title of the announcement
Point person's name
Enter Your Name
Point person's email
Date of event or activity? (if applicable)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start and end time? (if applicable)
Location of event or activity
If your announcement is an event or activity, please describe what the event is, who it's for, etc.
If you have any specific wording you would like used in the announcement, please write it here.
When would you like the announcement to begin appearing in the newsletter? (The Lion's Roar is published every Monday morning)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If this is a recurring event, when is the end date?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Attach flyer here, if needed (must be in PDF Format)
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Attach photo(s) here, if needed
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
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The goal is to provide a quality education in a warm Christian atmosphere where students can become leaders and influence the world around.